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Mixed Goodness
Mixed chocolate
Mixed Chocolate... White, milk, dark- YUM!!!
Mixed Beats
DJ- Now, who doesn't love some mash-up hits?!? >-<
Personally, I LOVE smoothies, so a blender is my bff.
Mixed Puppy
This is a puggle puppy, now a very popular pet. It is half pug and half jack russel. ADORABLE!
Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation
In ENGLISH, its used to see if a person's heart and lungs are working work properly! #sciencemoment
Mixed Emotions
Feeling a little Indecisive today? :3
Not that I'm encouraging violence, but a little Mixed Martial Arts never hurt anyone, right?
Trail Mix
Who can forget good ol' trail mix?
A little sample of some non-human mixed goodness! Hopefully this earns some smiles :) Let us know if you have any other ideas!
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